Effective Website Landing Pages are any web pages that a visitor arrives at or “lands” on. However, when discussing landing pages within the realm of digital marketing, it’s more common to refer to a landing page as being a standalone web page distinct from your main website that has been designed for a single focused objective. This objective could be sign-ups (Lead Generation), sales or any specific interaction that benefits your organisation.
An effective website landing page will link your visitor’s needs with your products or services and leads them to take some action. To get your landing pages right, you need to:

  • Understand your visitors’ needs. This is fundamental – you can’t sell them something they don’t need.
  • Talk about your services in their terms. Use their words and their language to describe what you’re selling and how it will help.
  • Have a clear call to action. What do you want them to do? (Make it very obvious)
  • Highlight the benefits of taking the action you’d like.
  • Make it easy for visitors to act. The more fields you ask people to fill in on a form, the less likely they are to complete it.

At Shareable we lazer focus our client landing pages to drive the desired visitor conversions. We do this by removing virtually all distractions on the page preserving just the copy, the client’s logo, the call to action and social media buttons. We even get rid of navigation menus in order to limit the options available to the website visitors, helping to guide them toward your intended conversion goal.

Types of Landing Page.

In very general terms there are 2 basic types of Effective Website Landing Pages; Click Through and Lead Generation (also referred to as Lead Gen or Lead Capture pages).

Click-through Landing Pages

A click-through landing page has the goal of encouraging the visitor to click through to another page. These are typically used in marketing funnels where they are used to describe a product or offer in sufficient detail so as to “warm up” a visitor to the point where they are closer to making a purchasing decision.

Click-through pages make effective landing pages because they lead the viewer on a journey to the destination where they take action. The simple act of clicking through a series of pages where they are drip fed information encourages the viewer to act or ‘convert’ on the final stage of the process.

Lead Generation Landing Pages

Effective lead gen landing pages are used to capture user data, such as a name and email address. At Shareable we build these types of pages with the sole purpose collecting information that will allow us to market to and connect with the prospect at a later date. As such, a lead capture page will contain a form along with a description of what the viewer will get in return for submitting your personal data.

Effective Website Landing Pages use psychology to drive action

Effective Website Landing Pages all use a variety of the following psychological techniques to drive interaction. Typically the more psychological marketing techniques we use, the more effective the landing page is.

  • Give to get. We want the visitor to give us their contact details. So we offer something in return. Typically, we give away a guide, webinar or whitepaper we’ve created for our client.
  • Use Urgency. We don’t want potential customers to take time to think or come back later because very often they won’t. We create calls to action that indicate immediacy, urgency, and timeliness.
  • USe Scarcity. ‘Last five tickets’ is more compelling than ‘5,000 tickets remaining’.
  • Use Social Proof. The number of previous interactions, number of Facebook likes or even number of retweets etc are all indicators that the page has a high perceived ‘value’.
  • Use Social Sharing Buttons. Make it easy for your audience to share the page across their preferred social channels. This will increase the exposure of your page and also reinforce the social proof and SEO impact of your page