Why do we use infographics? Well, given that recent reports tell us that the average human in 2017 has an attention span of 8 seconds (Stay with me), down from 12 seconds in the year 2000 – (Although this is open to debate), when we’re not actively trying to pay attention, we actually have a shorter attention span than the average goldfish.

In the always-connected world of social media, smartphones, and hyperlinks in the middle of everything you read, it can feel that much harder to stay focused. This makes it especially hard for brands and marketers to hold our attention long enough to tell us a story engaging enough to sell us something.

How do you get your content & data noticed?

Use infographics. We’re all visual learners and 90% of the information transmitted to our brains is visual. Great infographics are instant revelations that can illuminate patterns in massive amounts of data and make the abstract convincingly concrete. An infographic is simply data visualized, transforming that data into captivating, memorable imagery. It streamlines the process while increasing the probability that your reader will retain the information.

Making good visuals

What makes a good visual that resonates with the viewer?

Choose the right data: Try as we might, not all data can be visualised. Pick data that is easily visualised like programming information, analytics data, yearly or monthly financial figures or numbers of customers served etc.

Keep it simple, stupid: The more nuances and details that you add, the harder the infographic becomes to understand. Simple infographics work best.

The right visual language: Ensure the colour scheme used fits with the website or publication that it is appearing in/on. Make sure it fits with your organisation’s brand and personality.

Get a designer to create your infographics

This should be a no-brainer for anyone reading this blog piece. You want to look professional and convey an air of expertise. Work with a designer that ‘gets’ your organisation and can produce professional looking graphics you can use across your entire digital channels.

Properly brief the designer you’re using so that they have a clear end goal. Make sure they know exactly what it is you want your audience to come away with.

Any designer worth their salt will keep the overall aesthetic of the graphics inline with your brand aesthetic, limiting the colour palette so that it’s ‘On Brand’.

Do you need infographics?

Any investment in professionally created graphics needs to be considered and we’d recommend asking yourself if an infographic is actually required. As an agency, we ask our clients questions to help them understand their communication needs and decide whether it’s the right time to develop an infographic.

  1. Do you have data that needs explaining? Is there something that your audience is potentially struggling to understand? Don’t waste time and budget producing something that can be explained easily with just text.
  2. Is there a specific audience in mind for the infographic? Knowing who the infographic is for and properly conveying this to your contracted designer can change a lot about the graphical elements will be created.
  3. What is the end goal? You must have a specific goal in mind to be able to measure success.
  4. How will the infographic be distributed? Will it be print? Digital only? Or featured in a large annual report? These will change the layout, style, and dynamism of the end graphic.

Ultimately infographics are a very effective way to convey information and increase awareness of your important business data. They help to boost brand advocacy and, if done right, will motivate action in your audience.